Women in Tech® Global Awards Categories

Aspiring Teen Award

Recognizes young girls (13-19) with a passion for technology, celebrating their innovative projects, tech skills, and potential to inspire peers. This award encourages young women to pursue STEM careers and acknowledges their early achievements in tech.

Most Disruptive Award

Celebrates individuals or organizations creating groundbreaking technologies that challenge industry norms. This award focuses on those who introduce innovative solutions, significantly altering how industries operate and driving technological progress.

Best Ally Award

Honors individuals who actively support and advocate for women in technology. This award highlights efforts in mentorship, creating inclusive environments, and promoting gender diversity within the tech community.

Most Impactful Initiative Award

Recognizes programs or initiatives that significantly promote diversity and inclusion in tech. This category focuses on measurable impacts, sustainable change, and initiatives that empower women and underrepresented groups in the tech industry.

Woman in Web3 Award

Acknowledges women making notable contributions to Web3 technologies, such as blockchain, decentralized applications, and cryptocurrency. This award celebrates leadership and innovation in the rapidly evolving field of decentralized technologies.


Recognizes efforts to bridge technology and global diplomacy, highlighting women who use tech to address international issues, promote peace, and enhance global cooperation. This award emphasizes the role of technology in fostering international understanding and collaboration.

GREENTECH Start-Up Award

Celebrates women-led startups focused on environmental sustainability and green technology. This award highlights innovative solutions that tackle environmental challenges, promote sustainable practices, and contribute to a greener future.

Global Leadership Women in Tech® Award

Honors women leaders who have made significant contributions to the tech industry on a global scale. This award focuses on leadership, influence, and the ability to inspire and empower others in the tech community.

women in tech® Lifetime Achievement Award

The most prestigious category, recognizing a woman’s lifelong dedication to the tech industry. This award highlights her achievements, influence, and long-term impact on the field, celebrating a career of sustained excellence and leadership in technology.


These award categories aim to showcase and honor exceptional women, initiatives, and organizations that are shaping the future of technology and inspiring the next generation of innovators.

With the support of our Global partners 2024